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Tanenbaum, Melvin Enlistment and Training
Melvin S. Tanenbaum was an all-American boy and he wanted to fight for his country. He enlisted and his parents were...
Stefanelli, Anthony Invasion of Mainland Italy, Monte Cassino and Anzio
After the assault on Salerno, Sicily, Anthony Stefanelli and his unit [Annotator's Note: 36th Engineer Combat Regiment...
Burnside, Frank Prewar Life and Wartime in India
Frank R. Burnside was born in February 1915 in Tensas Parish in Newellton, Louisiana, on Franklin Plantation, where he...
Bowie, James Entrance into Service
James Bowie joined the Marine Corps. He only knew what he saw in the newsreels. He had an uncle who served in the Navy...
Cohn, Marthe Her Sister and Fiancé Executed by Germans
Part of Martha Cohn's family successfully crossed from occupied France into unoccupied France from Saint-Secondin,...
Praetorius, Leo Equipment and Personnel Problems
Leo Praetorius recalls that on his next cruise the pilots found landing at night difficult because of a poor lighting...
Cushman, Gene Postwar Career
Gene M. Cushman commends Reagan [Annotator’s Note: Ronald Wilson Reagan, 40th president of the United States] for his...
Oman, Mort Complacency Brings Trouble
The first time Mort Oman experienced enemy fire was in the Philippines when the Japanese fired upon him, and he did not...
Quirk, Clint Prewar Life
Clint Quirk was born in December 1923 in Butte, Montana and grew up in Anaconda, Montana. He had one sister. His father...
Casebonne, Louis CIC in Germany
Louis E. Casebonne was assigned to the CIC office [Annotator’s Note: 970th Counter Intelligence Corps] in Marseille,...
Hilson, Doyle In the Navy
Doyle “Bill” C. Hilson entered the Navy in May 1945 at the age of 17 and did basic training at Great Lakes Naval...
Bussel, Norman Roaming Moosburg
Norman Bussel was wandering around Moosburg, Germany after being liberated. He stayed with soldiers who were driving...
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