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Hollis, Frederick Scrap Drives and Rationing
Frederick Hollis contributed to the war effort through scrap drives held in Detroit. At the collection points, snow...
Long, Catherine Life in the WAVES
Catherine Long lived in a barracks with four other WAVES [Annotator's Note: Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency...
Glass, Jack Santa Cruz and Eastern Solomons
Air Group 6 was fleshed out with the detachment Jack Glass was part of. When it reported aboard [Annotator's Note:...
Winter, William Desegregating Public Schools in Mississippi
[Annotator's Note: Segment begins with the interviewer asking William Winter about civil rights during his political...
Ragazzi, Frank Pilot Training
Never having been in an airplane, Frank Ragazzi took his first ride in a Piper Cub [Annotator's Note: Piper J-3 Cub...
Leopold, Vernon Positions Overlooking Lanzerath
Vernon Leopold vividly remembers the positions of the foxholes and emplacements that his platoon [Annotator's Note: the...
Horne, Floyd "Bud" B-26 the Widow Maker
[Annotator's Note: This clip starts with Floyd Horne discussing the bad reputation of the Martin B-26 Marauder medium...
Lucas, Jack Surviving Iwo Jima
Jacklyn Lucas was just asking God to save him [Annotator's Note: after being wounded by the hand grenade he jumped on...
Jefferson, Alexander Ploesti, Down Time, and Being Interrogated
Alexander Jefferson flew a mission to Ploesti [Annotator's Note: Ploesti, Romania]. It was the first time Jefferson had...
Matsumoto, Roy Legion of Merit Citation
Roy H. Matsumoto found the high elevation of the Burma jungle and the winter weather resulted in temperatures cold at...
Siracuse, James French Girls and Going Home
The woman spoke English. James Siracuse asked if he could join her. They chatted for awhile. She was a medical student...
Chandler, Howard German Invasion of Poland and Ghetto Life
Howard Chandler went to visit his relatives about 40 kilometers away after the 1939 school year ended. [Annotator's...
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