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McNeil, Esther Segment 4
In Ledo, McNeil saw every type of wound. She worked on GIs and on Chinese patients. She worked in the Chinese ward for...
Spivey, Leonard Segment 9
Leonard Spivey lived in a combine, which was a group of six prisoners in one living space. They were allowed to stay...
Ward, Harold Segment 1
Harold Ward was born in Atlantic City, New Jersey in April 1921. Ward had the life of a bastard growing up as he was...
Madden, Paul Overseas to England
Paul Hilton Madden Jr. was assigned to Company A, 1st Battalion, 379th Infantry Regiment, 95th Infantry Division as a...
Severance, Dave First Days on Iwo Jima
Dave Severance was scared that he was going to be court martialed. He ran back to company [Annotator's Note: Company E...
Denius, Franklin "Frank" French civilians and combat awards
[Annotators Note: Franklin Denius was an artillery forward observer in Battery C, 230th Field Artillery Battalion, 30th...
Ohr, Freddie Segment 20
Freddie Ohr got back for Marie's graduation. He had to clean up a little bit when he landed then he joined them at the...
Blanckenburg, William "Bill" War is Scary
William Blanckenburg was alongside a creek and the Germans were on the other side. This was before Blanckenburg got...
Delewski, Lawrence Segment 3
Delewski took part in the Normandy operation. That was the first time the Laffey saw action. He was put in charge of...
Karr, Robert Segment 8
The ship that the Laffey relieved had been there a week and never got hit. They got off of the coast of Okinawa on a...
Noack, John Segment 1
John Noack lived in Port Arthur, Texas before the war. Once in a while a barnstormer would come through with a plane...
Della Vedova, Dominic Recollections
Dominic Della Vedova does not feel that Army changed him in any way. He remained in the reserves until he turned 60. He...
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