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Siracuse, James Liberation and Seeing Paris
James Siracuse's wife was a Christian. She told him about the Lord and he became more interested in the story. He wound...
Chandler, Howard Early Life
Howard Chandler was born a Jew in Wierzbnik, Poland [Annotator's Note: now known as Starachowice, Poland] in December...
Walter, Louis Becoming a Merchant Mariner
Louis John Walter was first assigned to the SS James Buchanan [Annotator's Note: as a seaman in the Merchant Marine]....
Uthes, Roy Mars Task Force
Roy Uthes discovered that his unit [Annotator's Note: Company B, 209th Engineer Combat Battalion] was being sent to the...
Johnson, Burton New Guinea and the Philippines
Burton Johnson arrived in Finschafen, New Guinea in the South Pacific after completing his stateside training. This was...
Whitman, Melvin Reflections on Peleliu
Melvin C. Whitman had few harassing fire missions during the nights when the Japanese would move on Peleliu [Annotator'...
Madden, Jack Postwar
Jack Madden was in Europe when the war ended. He was delighted. He had not followed the course of the war too closely...
Damonte, Emmanuel Initiation to Combat
The replacement center was just outside of Manila [Annotator's Note: Manila, Luzon, Philippines], and once he was...
Wolczyk, Stanley Becoming a Soldier
Stanley Wolczyk was born in Cleveland, Ohio in December 1917. His father and mother were both Polish immigrants. They...
Riggs, Clarence Reflections
Clarence Edward "Ed" Riggs, Jr., joined the service because he wanted to fly. He chose the Army Air Corps because he...
Gibian, Richard War's End and Reflections
Richard Gibian had R...
Brooks, Leonard Life Before Pearl Harbor
Leonard Brooks and his family were on their way back [Annotator's Note: to the Philippines] when the Blitzkrieg started...
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