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Bussel, Norman Christmas and Escape
Norman Bussel spent Christmas 1944 at Stalag Luft IV [Annotator’s Note: Stalag Luft IV (Stammlager Luft IV), Gross...
Molen, Herman Entrance into Service
Herman Molen was born in August 1923 in Greenville, Texas. He was studying to be a minister. He was ordained. When the...
Windisch, Lutz Taken Prisoner
Lutz Windisch and his tank crew knocked out two or three Russian tanks. His tank was armed with an 88 [Annotator's Note...
Bartley, Irene Treating Soldiers
Irene Bartley and her twin sister, Jean, joined the WACs [Annotator's Note: Women's Army Corps; women's branch of the...
Stern, Herbert First Combat
Herbert Stern was in the 325th Field Artillery Battalion as a battery commander under General Foster [Annotator's Note...
Kaslow, Solis "Sol" Reflections and Postwar
Solis “Sol” Kaslow grew up in Philadelphia [Annotator’s Note: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]. He was drafted into the Navy...
Marca, Carl Mailing Coconuts
Carl Marca was sent to Darwin, Australia to be the base censor. He was a second lieutenant. The base had B-25 [...
Claassen, Gerald War's End
Gerald Claassen was sent overseas to Europe and assigned to the 109th Field Artillery Battalion, 28th Infantry Division...
Boyles, Edward Traveling by Ship
Edward E. Boyles recalled his various sleeping quarters when traveling overseas. When he was shipped out to Hawaii for...
Beaugh, George Journey Overseas, Unit Assignment and Preparing for Missions
George Beaugh recalled that his crew took the Northern route to England. Since the weather was so bad, they had to stop...
Golemi, Frank Southern France, Market Garden and the Battle of the Bulge
Frank Golemi was in Civitavecchia, Italy training to fly into Southern France [Annotator's Note: Golemi was a pilot in...
Broussard, Lee Prewar Life, Enlistment and Military Service Stateside
Lee R. Broussard was born in December 1925 in Loreauville, Louisiana. His father was a construction worker and then...
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