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Kennedy, Irvin F. Reflections
Irvin Kennedy was not affected by the war. He did not have a career when he got back. He went to work on a mail train...
Davis, Arthur Reflections
Arthur Davis left the Pacific in July 1944 and returned to the Bureau of Ships in Washington D.C., but there was less...
Davis, Charles Early Life
Charles Davis was born in December 1925 in Alexandria, Louisiana, the youngest of three sons. His father was a railroad...
Skardon, Ben Closing the Tuol Pocket at Bataan
When they were pulling into port in Luzon with 600 men aboard, Ben Skardon said that Lieutenant George Coburn, Skardon'...
Bass, Stewart Kamikazes and Zeros
Stewart Bass was aboard USS Yorktown (CV-10) when the Japanese kamikazes continuously attacked over the course of 51...
Libby, Dolores Postwar Life and Career
Dolores McInnis Libby [Annotator's Note: a riveter at Consolidated Aircraft Corporation] worked on Franklin Avenue....
Jameson, Andrew Postwar Life and Career
Andrew George Jameson's objective was to continue his education [Annotator's Note: after the war]. He had been drafted...
Stefanelli, Anthony Prewar Life
Anthony Stefanelli was the son of Italian immigrants. He was born and raised in Belleville, New Jersey, where his...
Jackson, James The Philippines
James Thomas Jackson [Annotator's Note: arrived in the Philippines after the Japanese surrendered in August 1945,...
de Jonge, Wim Reflections
Wim de Jonge feels that The National WWII Museum is an important institution to maintain. The young people of today are...
Jones, Robert Widener Estate to Martha's Vineyard
Robert Francis Jones trained dogs with the United States Coast Guard. Sometimes young recruits came in and it was...
Cohn, Marthe Her Brother Escapes the Germans
While in Poitiers, France, Marthe Cohn's family started a business just before the war started. It was a dry goods...
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