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Cleveland, Carleton Returning Home
[Annotator's Note: It is very difficult to understand Carleton Cleveland due to sound issues throughout this clip.]...
Rippin, Elsie Reflections
Elsie Marie "Kitty" Rippin's her most memorable experience from World War 2 was getting out and meeting her husband at...
Fontana, Frank Paris Liberated
Frank Fontana and the 500 men in his outfit reached Paris one week after it was liberated. They went to Le Bourget...
Gibfried, Paul Closing Thoughts
Paul Gibfried had a wonderful experience during World War 2. He liked his commander, Ogden Ludlow [Annotator's Note:...
Simons, F.M. Disc Jockey and Thoughts on War
F.M. Richard Simons was a disc jockey for a while and then had enough points [Annotator's Note: a point system was...
Varone, Francis "Dick" Early Life
Francis John "Dick" Varone was born in October 1925 in Mechanicville, New York. He was raised there with his two...
Mills, George Reflections
George F. Mills most memorable experience of World War 2 was when he landed on the beaches of Normandy [Annotator's...
Wood, Edward Florida Boy to Navy Sailor
Edward O. Wood, Senior was born in January 1927 in Orlando, Florida. He had two younger siblings. During the Great...
Boeke, Robert Finding Dachau
Robert Boeke [Annotator's Note: with the 341st Infantry Regiment, 86th Infantry Division] was a part of the 9th Army or...
Adams, Lynward Growing up in New Orleans
Lynward Joseph "Buddy" or "Bud" Adams was born in April 1923 in New Orleans [Annotator's Note: New Orleans, Louisiana...
St. Amant, Philemon Crossing the German Lines
Philemon Andrews Saint Amant saw some graves of members of the German Army and some of them were Jewish. Saint Amant's...
Schulman, Shirley New Jobs
While her husband, Hyman, was deployed overseas in Europe during World War 2, Shirley Sandy Schulman found a job as a...
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