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Leopold, Vernon Duties and Patrols
Vernon Leopold arrived on the Belgium and German border at the village of Hünningen. They took over a farm house that...
Horne, Floyd "Bud" B-26 Combat Missions
Floyd Horne was fortunate that his first combat mission was short. It was near Calais [Annotator's Note: Calais, Hauts-...
Lucas, Jack Invasion of Iwo Jima
[Annotator's Note: Jacklyn Lucas stowed away aboard the USS Deuel (APA-160) on 10 January 1945 for the trip from Pearl...
Matsumoto, Roy Becoming a Soldier
Roy H. Matsumoto went to Minnesota after he volunteered for the Army. [Annotator's Note: Matsumoto volunteered for the...
Siracuse, James Interrogation and Evacuating Stalag Luft III
[Annotator's Note: James Siracuse served in the USAAF as a pilot flying Douglas A-20 Havoc light bombers in the 669th...
Uthes, Roy MIlitary Police
Roy Uthes grew up in Detroit, Michigan. His father was a policeman. Uthes had brothers who were also in the service. He...
Johnson, Burton Early Years
Burton Johnson was born in Providence, Rhode Island in May 1920. His parents delivered groceries to families even...
Whitman, Melvin Invading Peleliu
On the way to Peleliu [Annotator's Note: Peleliu Island, Palau], Melvin C. Whitman crossed paths with a Navy ship that...
Madden, Jack Becoming a Sailor
Jack Madden took his basic training for the United States Navy in Newport, Rhode Island. He originally signed up to...
Damonte, Emmanuel Prewar Life and Entrance to Service
Emmanuel Nazarro Damonte [Annotator's Note: phonetic spelling on middle name] was born in San Francisco [Annotator's...
Riggs, Clarence Last Missions and Return Home
[Annotator's Note: Throughout this clip interview, Clarence Edward "Ed" Riggs, Jr. refers to papers he is holding as he...
Gibian, Richard Normandy
Once in England, Richard Gibian was given a few hours in a P-47 [Annotator's Note: Republic P-47 Thunderbolt fighter...
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