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Cleveland, Carleton Flying Missions
[Annotator's Note: It is very difficult to understand Carleton Cleveland due to sound issues throughout this clip.]...
Babbits, Oliver Reflections
Oliver Donald Anthony Babbits thinks World War 2 did not change him. He continued to enjoy playing football with his...
Rippin, Elsie Prewar Life to WAVES
Elsie Marie "Kitty" Rippin was born in Ellinger, Texas in January 1924. She moved around a lot with her family during...
Fontana, Frank Posting in England
Frank Fontana arrived in Great Britain as a young man. [Annotator's Note: Fontana was deployed with three others in mid...
Gibfried, Paul Postwar Life
Paul Gibfried went home to arrange for a job when Roosevelt [Annotator's Note: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd...
Dearman, Alfred Postwar and Nuremberg versus Tokyo
All the time Alfred Dearman was in the Air Force, he was training jet pilots. All the jet pilots had to learn how to...
Simons, F.M. Bayonets and Surrendering Germans
The horrible times for F.M. Richard Simons were mortars and trying not to fall asleep in his foxhole. Once, they heard...
Mills, George From Soldier to Prisoner in Europe
After liberating Paris France, George F. Mills [Annotator's Note: with the Company E, 2nd Battalion, 109th infantry...
Thurston, Stanley Reflections
Stanley James Thurston feels it is important for young people to learn the truth about what happened in the Second...
Boeke, Robert Accepting the Surrendering Germans
Robert Boeke was assigned a jeep as a part of his intelligence and reconnaissance [Annotator's Note: as part of the...
St. Amant, Philemon Shipped to England
Philemon Andrews Saint Amant landed in London [Annotator's Note: London, England]. There were troops fighting in North...
Asher, Adolph Reflections
Adolph Edward Asher worked for United Fruit Company importing bananas [Annotator's Note: before the war]. He started...
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