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Libby, Dolores Prewar Life
Dolores McInnis Libby was born in Buckatunna, Mississippi in May 1926. Her father was a disabled veteran of World War 1...
Jameson, Andrew Life During the Bulge
Andrew George Jameson and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company L, 3rd Battalion, 117th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry...
de Jonge, Wim Dutch East Indies
Wim de Jonge could tell when he left Holland for the East Indies that war was looming. He was not concerned with...
Geiger, John Seeing MacArthur
John Geiger remembers when he was in New Guinea [Annotator’s Note: serving with the 6th Army Special Reconnaissance...
Cohn, Marthe Kristallnacht Plus One
The day after Kristallnacht [Annotator's Note: 11 November 1938], Marthe Cohn's oldest brother and sister went to...
Ettinger, Hugh Return Home Odyssey
In the spring of 1946, Hugh Ettinger was stationed at Rongerik Atoll [Annotator’s Note: Rongerik Atoll, Marshall...
Oman, Mort Landing on Luzon
Mort Oman was sent to New Guinea and joined the 251st Field Artillery Battalion as a fire controller and trained for...
Kirkpatrick, Otto Reflections
Otto Kirkpatrick talked with some of the guys about how the war affected them after Germany surrendered. Some of them...
Bussel, Norman Guards at Stalag Luft IV
Norman Bussel says that one German guard at Stalag Luft IV [Annotator’s Note: Stalag Luft IV (Stammlager Luft IV),...
Windisch, Lutz Hitler Youth
Lutz Windisch was born in 1925 in Königssee in Berchtesgaden [Annotator's Note: Königssee, Berchtesgaden, Germany],...
Kaslow, Solis "Sol" Normandy Invasion
On 5 June 1944, the squadron was about to take off to rendezvous with the mine sweepers when Solis “Sol” Kaslow, who...
Boyles, Edward Security Protocols
While stationed on Wheeler Field [Annotator's Note: Wheeler Army Airfield, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii] with the 14th Pursuit...
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