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Thurston, Stanley Buchenwald Liberation and War's End
Stanley James Thurston participated in the liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp [Annotator's Note: Buchenwald...
Boeke, Robert Crossing the Rhine
Robert Boeke's intelligence and reconnaissance group [Annotator's Note: of the 341st Infantry Regiment, 86th Infantry...
König, Karl American Prison Camps to Home
Karl Friedrich "Charley” König [Annotator's Note: or Koenig] does not remember much about arriving in Norfolk [...
St. Amant, Philemon OSS Training
Philemon Andrews Saint Amant went to North Carolina for OSS [Annotator's Note: Office of Strategic Services; pre-runner...
Asher, Adolph Memorable Moments
Adolph Edward Asher was in Hattiesburg [Annotator's Note: Hattiesburg, Mississippi] at Camp Shelby when he got out of...
Schulman, Shirley Growing up in Brooklyn
Shirley Sandy Schulman was born in September 1922 in Manhattan, New York [Annotator's Note: Manhattan is one of the...
Miller, Rudolph Reflections
Rudolph C. Miller's most memorable experience of World War 2 was being stuck in a boat in a harbor in Virginia. It was...
Hogan, Moses Hunting Submarines
Moses Hogan doesn't think movies about Pearl Harbor are authentic. After Pearl Harbor, Hogan was on a destroyer [...
Kennedy, Irvin F. Prewar Life to Enlistment
Irvin Kennedy was born and raised in Algiers [Annotator's Note: Algiers neighborhood in New Orleans, Louisiana] and...
Davis, Arthur Ship Camouflage
The camouflage design patterns and color schemes differed between the Atlantic and Pacific, depending on prevailing...
Spencer, John Patrolling the South Pacific and Australian Operations on Borneo
John Curtis Spencer said his first job in the Pacific was to escort a destroyer up to Lingayen Gulf, and the USS Formoe...
Bass, Stewart Early Life
Stewart "Stu" Bass was born and raised in Western Montana, about 20 miles outside of Missoula. He was the middle child...
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