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Riggs, Clarence Overseas Assignment
Clarence Edward "Ed" Riggs, Jr. reported to Langley Field, Virginia. He practiced a lot of formation flying, air to...
Broll, Walter Being Alert and Lessons Learned
Walter Broll benefited by the war because it made him an alert man instead of the 18 year old minor he was when he...
Forcinella, Frank The War Ends
Frank Forcinella liked the Rhine River crossing [Annotator's Note: at Nierstein, Germany, 22 March 1945]. They had...
Cleveland, Carleton Flight Training to Combat
[Annotator's Note: It is very difficult to understand Carleton Cleveland due to sound issues throughout this clip.]...
Babbits, Oliver Iwo Jima and Postwar
Oliver Donald Anthony Babbits was still on the ship when the Marines on Iwo Jima [Annotator's Note: Iwo Jima, Japan]...
Fontana, Frank Becoming a Soldier
Frank Fontana took his basic training in Camp Barkeley in Texas. It was miserable, desolate country. The training...
Gibfried, Paul Life in the Navy
Paul Gibfried worked at the Executive Office of the Secretary of the Navy. It was a data center that informed him of...
Dearman, Alfred Home and the Korean War
Alfred Dearman had never seen a tv [Annotator's Note: television] and kept reading about them. Another of his buddy and...
Simons, F.M. Young People at War
F.M. Richard Simons' worst memories are of the cold and the fear of falling asleep in his foxhole. They had wire with...
Mestayer, Angus Reflections
Angus Francis Mestayer returned to San Diego [Annotator's Note: San Diego, California]. They got a month long leave [...
Mills, George Training in England to Fighting in France
In October 1943, George F. Mills was shipped overseas and stationed in South Wales [Annotator's Note: South Wales,...
Pratt, Robert Reflections
Robert W. "RW" Pratt's most memorable experience was 7 April [Annotator's Note: 7 April 1945, during Battle of Okinawa...
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