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Simons, F.M. Life in the Field
F.M. Richard Simons always had food. The food in the camps was not too bad. They did not complain as long as they had...
Mestayer, Angus Returning home
Angus Francis Mestayer's outfit [Annotator's Note: 1st Marine Air Wing] was split in half while he was on Green Island...
Mills, George Southern Boy to Army Soldier
George F. Mills was born in Spencer, Tennessee in May 1921. His family moved to Rock Island, Tennessee where his father...
Pratt, Robert Occupation and Postwar
After the conclusion of World War 2, Robert W. "RW" Pratt, [Annotator's Note: assigned as the gunnery officer aboard...
Thurston, Stanley European Combat
Stanley James Thurston was not provided basic training. After enlistment, he was sent to a pigeon outfit [Annotator's...
Famularo, Salvatore Reflections
Salvatore Famularo remembers it was an all-out war when he went. His most memorable moment was getting out of Iwo Jima...
Boeke, Robert Landing in France
Robert Boeke was shipped to France [Annotator's Note: with the 341st Infantry Regiment, 86th Infantry Division]. When...
König, Karl Prisoner to America
Karl Friedrich "Charley” König [Annotator's Note: or Koenig] said to himself the Americans had no manners or did not...
St. Amant, Philemon A Segregated Army
Philemon Andrews Saint Amant was in the British Isles [Annotator's Note: the United Kingdom, with the 190th Field...
Asher, Adolph Returning Home
Adolph Edward Asher was transferred back from Germany. A colonel had known him in the States [Annotator's Note: United...
Miller, Rudolph Joining the Marine Reserves
Rudolph C. Miller liked the Marines. He was a sucker for the uniform, and he liked it a lot. They were sharp and he...
Hogan, Moses Life on Board at Pearl Harbor
Moses Hogan wasn't afraid. He didn't believe America would be attacked by the Japanese; after all, officials from that...
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