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Rosenbaum, James War's End and Return Home
After the Japanese surrendered, James Stewart Rosenbaum thought he would be heading home, but he and his unit [...
Catalano, Erico "Harry" Occupation duty and Returning Home
After the surrender of Japan, Erico J. Catalano became a buck sergeant [Annotator's Note: the lowest rank of sergeant...
Marshall, James Returning Home
After finishing 31 missions, James "Jim" Marshall laid around, went to the PX [Annotator's Note: post exchange], played...
Carlson, Donald Life in England
After the war, trolley missions were flown to show ground personnel the damage that had been done to Germany. Donald...
Riggs, Clarence Prewar Life to Pilot
Clarence Edward "Ed" Riggs, Jr. was born in Burns, Kansas. His father was a rural mail carrier to support his family...
Broll, Walter End of the War
Walter Broll and the Grace Abbott left Bari, Italy and headed for the ocean. Broll and the deck crew secured the...
Forcinella, Frank Presidential Unit Citation
Frank Forcinella was wounded on 18 January [Annotator's Note: 18 January 1945]. He was back with his unit [Annotator's...
Cleveland, Carleton Prewar Life
[Annotator's Note: It is very difficult to understand Carleton Cleveland due to sound issues throughout this clip.]...
Babbits, Oliver Training to Overseas
Oliver Donald Anthony Babbits was in engineering school when the Army decided to cancel the program. He was sent to...
Fontana, Frank Early Life
Frank Fontana was born in St. Louis, Missouri in August 1922. He grew up in St. Louis. He had one brother who was two...
Gibfried, Paul Life After the War
After the war, Paul Gibfried joined the American Legion [Annotator's Note: nonprofit organization of U.S. war veterans...
Dearman, Alfred Guards and Jailers
The main difference between a jailer, which Alfred Dearman was, and a guard, is that the jailer is in the cellblock...
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