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Johnson, Willard Joining the Navy
[Annotator’s Note: Birds can be heard chirping in the background throughout this clip.] Willard Johnson was born in...
de Jonge, Wim Being Ambushed and Wounded
Wim de Jonge accompanied an officer to Jakarta. They traveled alone in a jeep through the mountains without convoy...
Leith, Hal OSS Wartime Duty
Harold “Hal” Leith arrived in Kunming, China by airplane. His aircraft was successful in reaching the destination, but...
Meyers, William War’s End and Postwar
William S. Meyers, Jr. [Annotator’s Note: serving with the 929th Field Artillery Battalion, 104th Infantry Division]...
Geiger, John Failing a Mission
John Geiger [Annotator’s Note: serving with the 6th Army Special Reconnaissance Unit, known as the Alamo Scouts]...
Cohn, Marthe Anti-Semitism
Growing up in Metz, France, Marthe Cohn experienced some anti-Semitism. When she was six, she and her siblings were at...
Ettinger, Hugh War’s End and Occupation
Hugh Ettinger was assigned to an LST [Annotator's Note: Landing Ship, Tank] in the Pacific Theater. After a couple of...
Oman, Mort Enlisted and Trained
[Annotator’s Note: Interviewer and Interviewee talk about how the interview will be conducted at the beginning of this...
Kirkpatrick, Otto Prewar Life
Otto Kirkpatrick went to college after he got back from the war. Before the war, he was working for the conservation...
Bussel, Norman Solitary Confinement
Norman Bussel had to bail out of his B-17 over Berlin, Germany on 29 April 1944. He was captured and interrogated by a...
Finder, Rena Rena Finder’s Message
Speaking before the United Nations along with Steven Spielberg, Rena Finder told the movie director that the...
Boyles, Edward Prewar Life
Edward E. Boyles was born in November 1918 in Aberdeen, Idaho. Shortly after the end of World War 1, Boyles' father...
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