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Crane, James Merchant Marine Training
James Crane got into the Merchant Marine because Roosevelt [Annotator’s Note: President Franklin D. Roosevelt and...
White, James Becoming a Soldier
James White was born in Port Arthur, Texas in 1925. As a junior in high school at the time of the Japanese attack on...
Bailey, Raymond Early Life and Joining the Navy
Raymond Bailey was born and raised in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. Jobs at the time only paid about one dollar per day....
Rudloff, George Life Before the War
George Rudloff was born in San Francisco, California in 1923 and grew up there and in Palo Alto. His father started a...
Leopold, Vernon Overseas Service
Vernon Leopold and his outfit [Annotator's Note: I...
Harry, Peter Becoming a Soldier
Peter Harry was born in May 1924. He had two brothers in the service during the war. His father worked for a sink...
Horne, Floyd "Bud" Service Overview, Prewar Life, and Enlistment
Floyd Horne was born in Bowersville, Ohio in February 1922. He spent the first 18 years of life there until July 1940...
Siracuse, James Pre-Deployment Stunts
[Annotator's Note: James Siracuse served in the USAAF as an A-20 pilot in the 669th Bombardment Squadron, 416th...
Baul, Henry Overseas Deployment
After completing basic training, Henry Baul was allowed to return home for leave [Annotator's Note: an authorized...
Landry, Marian Reflections
Jean "Marian" Alva Yancey Landry had a friendship with a future famous photographer, George Tames. Tames went on to...
Nesser, William Leaving the Merchant Marine
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks William Nesser about why he was not part of the Murmansk run PQ-17, an Atlantic...
Hazard, Mark Pop Bowers and a Lucky GI
[Annotator's Note: This segment begins with Mark Gordon Hazard, Jr.'s wife asking if he had any idea how long he had...
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