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Sapp, Walter Ship and Field Life
Going overseas was scary for Walter Sapp. He was three decks below seeing daylight. They were in a huge convoy and the...
Aust, Abner Pete Everest and Crashing During a Test Flight
Abner Aust was at Iwo Jima, Japan when the Japanese formally surrendered. He was the first pilot to go home on 11...
Kinsey, Norman Thoughts on Leadership
Norman Kinsey had a good basis of organization. One of the things learned in the military is that he was not an...
Bollich, James Reflections
James Bollich's younger brother never made it overseas. One brother died in a fighter pilot accident and the other died...
Edwards, Randall Reflections
News that the war had ended seemed to daze Randall Edwards and his fellow prisoners of war initially. Once they got...
Thomas, Wilbur "Will" Reflections
Wilbur Thomas felt that World War 2 did not change his life but opened his eyes to new experiences. Thomas remarks that...
Moret, Vernon Banzai attack on Saipan
Vernon Henry Moret recalled a banzai attack on Saipan [Annotator's Note: Saipain, Northern Mariana Islands]. The...
Mahoney, Timothy Life in the Field
Timothy Mahoney only went on a flight after he did repairs to the radar equipment. The pilots did not like doing those...
Yoshihashi, Tokuji Basic Training at Camp Blanding
Tokuji Yoshihashi was drafted and went to Camp Blanding, Florida for 17 weeks of basic training. He was trained on...
Diamond, Joseph Segment 7
Joseph Diamond was under mortar attack when he was wounded. A mortar shell exploded about 20 yards away and he felt a...
Holloman, William Segment 1
Holloman was born in Saint Louis, Missouri in 1924. His father worked for the US Postal Service from 1919 until 1969.As...
Spivey, Leonard Segment 1
Leonard Spivey was born on a farm five or six miles north of Artesia, New Mexico. At a very young age Spivey was on the...
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