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Livaudais, James Dereliction of Duty
James Livaudais knew when he was given an order, he had to respond. When the man in front stepped off, the next...
Swede Vejtasa's view of the TBD Devastator
Cain, Howard Flight Engineer Training
Because the war in Europe had begun to die down and the need for additional pilots was decreasing by the time he...
Kight, Otis Battle of Midway
Otis Kight's squadron, VF-42 [Annotator's Note: Fighting Squadron 42 (VF-42), USS Yorktown (CV-5)] had the bulk of the...
Peardon, Eveline Life in America
Eveline Peardon moved to the United States in an effort to find work. She was 26 and out of work in Paris. She had...
Muri, James Early life in the Military
James Muri joined the Army so that he could become a pilot. Growing up in Montana Muri did not see many airplanes. He...
Crane, James Early Life
James Melvin Crane was born in Conehatta, Mississippi in Newton County. At 15 pounds, he was the largest baby boy in...
Vertes, Agnes Married to Another Survivor
Agnes Vertes met two men at a party. They spoke Hungarian so she told them they could sit next to her. She found her...
Leopold, Vernon Becoming a Soldier
Gerald Vernon Leopold, known as Gerald V. Leopold in the Army, was born in Frankfurt, Germany in August 1923. When he...
Siracuse, James Advanced Flight Training
One day before James Siracuse got to fly solo, one of his instructors showed him a maneuver that he said he should not...
Baul, Henry Becoming a Marine
Henry L Baul was born in December 1922 in Fitzgerald, Georgia. His family moved to Florida when Baul was young. His...
Landry, Marian Postwar
Jean "Marian" Alva Yancey Landry was glad to return home after the war. Adjustment was no problem as she obtained her...
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