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Schmitt, Warren Kamikaze Attack
Warren Schmitt witnessed a kamikaze attack on his ship [Annotator's Note: the USS Savo Island (CVE-78)}. The attacker...
Alair, Gene Kamikazes
Gene Alair went into Lingayen Gulf [Annotator's Note: Invasion of Lingayen, Philippines, 6 January 1945], the spot...
Baker, Melvin POW Camps
Melvin Baker did not remember having any heat in any POW [Annotator's Note: prisoner of war] barracks. Moving from camp...
Verlander, David Reflections
From David Verlander's perspective, the Second World War has relevance today because the United States forged stronger...
Dendy, Lloyd Malaria in Key West
Lloyd Dendy had been on a ship coming home when the war in Europe ended [Annotator's Note: 8 May 1945] and President...
Richard, Martin Terrible Losses
Martin Richard does not really recall his first debriefing on D-Day [Annotator's Note: Allied invasion of Normandy,...
Hutchinson, Louis Becoming a Sailor
Louis B. Hutchinson was born in November 1925 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, but grew up in Philadelphia [Annotator's Note...
Lefever, Paul Happy Homecoming
When Paul Lefever saw Patton [Annotator's Note: US Army Lieutenant General George S. Patton, Jr.] and his tanks, he...
Mayes, Davis War's End and Reflection
Davis Gordon Mayes heard about the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan through the radio receivers while he was...
Sapp, Walter Night Attacks
Walter Sapp was assigned to Company C, 310th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division as a rifleman. He took over the...
Aust, Abner P-51s in the Pacific
[Annotator's Note: Abner Aust was a flight instructor in Fort Myers, Florida in 1943.] They started flying the P-40N [...
Mero, Robert Postwar Privileges on Occupation Duty
Through the "Stars and Stripes" [Annotator's Note: American military newspaper] newsletter and other means, Robert Mero...
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