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Dearman, Alfred Learning Japanese from Mamoru Shigemitsu
When Alfred Dearman would come on duty for the morning shift as a jailer, the midnight shift would have had the...
Simons, F.M. Infantry Training to Pisa, Italy
F.M. Richard Simons had infantry training at Camp Wheeler, Georgia [Annotator's Note: in Macon, Georgia]. On the rifle...
Lemme, Thomas Iwo Jima
Thomas Joseph Lemme went directly from Hawaii to Iwo Jima [Annotator's Note: Iwo Jima, Japan with Company G, 2nd...
Famularo, Salvatore Invading Saipan
Salvatore Famularo went to Maui in the Hawaiian islands. He went into the 4th Marine Division [Annotator's Note:...
König, Karl Hitler Youth to German Tanks
Karl Friedrich "Charley” König [Annotator's Note: or Koenig] went from Annaburg Annotator's Note: Annaburg, Germany] to...
Asher, Adolph Shipped to France
Adolph Edward Asher arrived in France and was assigned to a new outfit [Annotator's Note: unable to identify]. He had...
Minehira, Helene Reflections on the War
Helene Minehira [Annotator's Note: a person of Japanese descent in Hawaii] worked at Fort Shafter [Annotator's Note: in...
Synder, Harold Memorable Combat Experiences
Harold Daniel Snyder's most memorable experience was the closest he came to being knocked off [Annotator's Note: as a...
Miller, Rudolph Prewar Life
Rudolph C. Miller was born in 1928 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His mother took him to Chicago [Annotator's Note:...
Wessen, Theodore Becoming a Sailor and Assignment to the USS Pirate (AM-275)
Theodore Wessen had the support of his mother when he joined the Navy. There were two siblings still at home with her....
Spencer, John Early Life, Commissioning and Assignment
A captain when he was discharged from the Navy, John Curtis Spencer was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia and was...
Bradley, Aubrey On Friendly Ground
The Russians appropriated German housing, and Aubrey Bradley was quartered in a home for a few days before being...
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