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Sartori, Paul Returning Home
Paul Sartori Jr. returned home in January 1946. His father was waiting for him. He needed him to go to work. He was a...
Cain, Howard Prewar to Breakout
Howard Cain was born in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin in November 1926. At age seven, the family moved to Chicago [Annotator’s...
Colquitt, James Okinawa then End of War
James Roy Colquitt unloaded troops on the beach as the tide went out stranding his ship [Annotator’s Note: Colquitt was...
Dearey, Bernard Entrance into Service
Bernard Allen Dearey was sent to Fort Snelling, Minnesota for induction, and then went to Fort Sheridan, Illinois for a...
Kight, Otis Becoming a Sailor
Otis Kight had his basic training for the Navy at Norfolk [Annotator's Note: Naval Station Norfolk in Norfolk, Virginia...
Peardon, Eveline D-Day
Around five on the morning of 6 June 1944, Eveline Peardon and her family were awoken by the sound of heavy artillery...
Vertes, Agnes Freedom in Vienna
Agnes Vertes reached Vienna after midnight [Annotator's Note: she had just left a refugee camp at the Austrian border...
LaPook, Sidney End of the War
Sidney LaPook joined the 4th Auxiliary Surgical Group about a week before the war ended. He was hoping to be able to...
Siracuse, James Early Life
James Siracuse was born in Upper Manhattan [Annotator's Note: New York, New York] in 1920. He was raised there. He...
Landry, Marian Becoming a Marine
Jean "Marian" Alva Yancey Landry first went to the Marine recruiter to merely find out what was involved with becoming...
Nesser, William Back to the United States
[Annotator's Note: William Nesser served aboard the SS Kalliopi, and was returning to the United States from England.]...
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