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Fernandez, Milton Reflections
Milton Fernandez thinks his most memorable moment of the war was to serve in the Army and protect the country from the...
Tognoli, Paris Fight for Hill 260
The Japanese at that time [Annotator's Note: on Cape Torokina, Bougainville, Papau New Guinea] were Paris Tognoli's...
Dearman, Alfred Training then Being a Jailer
Since Alfred Dearman would be in the cellblock with the prisoners [Annotator's Note: at Sugamo Prison, Tokyo, Japan],...
Lemme, Thomas Early Life
Thomas Joseph Lemme was born in January 1926 in Albany [Annotator's Note: Albany, New York]. He had two older brothers...
Pratt, Robert Joining the Navy
Robert W. "RW" Pratt worked in an art studio for an artist. He made picture frames and sometimes was used as a model....
Famularo, Salvatore Prewar Life
Salvatore Famularo was born in Amsterdam, New York in September 1925. He had a sister and a brother. He was the oldest...
Asher, Adolph Military Training
Adolph Edward Asher's [Annotator's Note: with the 45th Infantry Division] ship was sunk by a U-boat [Annotator's Note:...
Minehira, Helene Witness to Pearl Harbor Attack
Helene Minehira and her family were on their property [Annotator's Note: in Ewa Beach, Hawaii] on the morning of 7...
Synder, Harold Postwar Reuniting with Friends
Harold Daniel Snyder keeps in touch with Hegland [Annotator's Note: phonetic spelling; unable to identify]. He, O'Hara...
Cummings, John Prewar Life in the Navy
Albert Elmer "John" Cummings was raised in Richmond, Virginia. The Depression [Annotator's Note: Great Depression; a...
Bradley, Aubrey The Fate of Bradley’s Crew
Russian aircraft were strafing the area where Aubrey Bradley was being held, and he was given coffee and stale bread...
Ginrich, Ralph War's End and Postwar
Ralph “Bud” Ginrich was not changed by his POW [Annotator’s Note: prisoner of war] experiences. Some Germans were...
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