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Medicine Crow, Joseph White Man Runs Him
Joseph Medicine Crow had an uncle known to the Crow people as White Buffalo Turns Around. He received a new name from...
Barnes, William Postwar, Korea and After
William Lee Barnes was aboard the Bunker Hill [Annotator's Note: USS Bunker Hill (CV-17)] while his crew mates were...
Forcinella, Frank Prewar Life to Drafted
Frank Forcinella was born in February 1925 in Rensselaer, New York. His childhood was good. They had hard times and...
Burk, Jeannine A New American Family
Jeannine Burk always felt part of a group of people who had experienced much worse than she. They were all the new...
Raskoph, Jack Utah Beach
Jack Raskoph was transferred to Pier 92 in New York City [Annotator's Note: New York, New York], where people were...
Fernandez, Milton War's End and Postwar Life
Milton Fernandez left the Galapagos Islands and sailed for Hawaii. At that time, the Japanese were everywhere in the...
Tognoli, Paris Combat on Bougainville
Paris Tognoli came into Empress Augusta Bay [Annotator's Note: Bougainville, Papau New Guinea, 28 December 1943] and...
Dearman, Alfred Arriving in Japan
When Alfred Dearman got to Japan, he went to a replacement depot. He waited around there with his friend he had gone to...
Pratt, Robert Prewar Life
He walked to school and joined the "Junior Yanks" which was a program for kids run by World War 1 veterans. They met...
Clark, Merrill Reflections
Merrill J. Clark thinks it is important from an educational standpoint that the museum [Annotator's Note: The National...
Asher, Adolph Entrance into Service
Adolph Edward Asher was born March 1916 in New Orleans [Annotator's Note: New Orleans, Louisiana]. During the...
Minehira, Helene Growing up in Hawaii
[Annotator's Note: Video is black until 00:01:06.000 and begins with Helene Minehira midsentence.] Minehira was born in...
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