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Neher, Lisle Service in the Pacific
Only one of the fire bombing raids Lisle Neher flew was to Tokyo. The others were to other big cities. Each raid killed...
Lee, Arthur Postwar Life and Career
Arthur Lee returned to the United States in December 1945 by way of the Aleutians, landing at Seattle, Washington. From...
Yourkavitch, Joseph N. Liberation
Joseph Yourkavitch was a prisoner for about eight months. There was no radio in the camp and there was no word of the...
LaPook, Sidney Fighting Near Metz
In Sidney LaPook's next bivouac, German pilots, called Bed Check Charlie by the GIs, buzzed them late at night and...
Bayuk, Rose The Pacific and War's End
Backing up to the time when Rose Bayuk first arrived in London [Annotator's Note: London, England], she relates how the...
Swift, Robert Gunskirchen Death Camp
Robert Swift witnessed the atrocities at the Gunskirchen death camp. There were two different kinds of camps. In the...
Nesser, William Prewar to Pearl Harbor Attack
[Annotator's Note: The interview starts on a black screen.] William Nesser was born in Columbus, Ohio in February 1920...
Lederer, Henry Baptism by Fire
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Henry Lederer what his first combat encounter was like.] It was an amazing...
Hazard, Mark Arthur Swanson
By daylight, combat started again. Mark Gordon Hazard, Jr. and Swaney [Annotator's Note: Arthur Swanson from Boston,...
Stefaniak, Joe D-Day Jump
[Annotator's Note: Joseph Stefaniak was in Nottingham, England preparing for the Normandy invasion.] They loaded up...
Burriss, Thomas Eight Ball
During the war, T. Moffatt Burriss encountered an individual nicknamed Eight Ball. Burriss first encountered him in...
Compton, Bryan Dealing with the Damage
Going back [Annotator's Note: in his story] to Anzio [Annotator's Note: Battle of Anzio, 22 January 1944 to 5 June 1944...
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