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Albarado, Nolan Strafed by Japanese Aircraft
Nolan Albarado had no idea of the tensions between the United States and Japan as he was focused on the war in Europe....
Verlander, David Life as a Clerk on Guadalcanal
David Verlander said he couldn't really say what he did most of his days on Guadalcanal, although he can still picture...
Brewster, Oliver Prewar Life, Being Drafted and Deployment to Europe
Oliver Brewster was born in 1926 in Lincoln Parish, Louisiana. He had three sisters. His father was a sharecropper, and...
Dendy, Lloyd Peleliu
Lloyd Dendy met people from different parts of the country. They had different accents and different ways of doing...
Dillon, Gerard Separation from the Army
In Münster [Annotator's Note: Münster, Germany], Gerard Dillon got called to battalion [Annotator's Note: 2nd Battalion...
Richard, Martin Prewar Life and Pearl Harbor
Martin Richard was born in Grand Chenier, Louisiana, south of Lake Charles in June 1924. His father was a cattleman and...
Mosher, Alfred Osaka Prisoner of War Camp
One day, they [Annotator's Note: the Japanese] loaded Alfred Raymond Mosher and others onto an inland sea ferry and...
Edwards, Charles Postwar Career
Charles T. Edwards was able to go home after the war had ended. He did not want to return to the steel factory but...
Votrobek, Jr., John Second and Third War Patrols
Running low on fuel and torpedoes, John Votrobeck [Annotator's Note: aboard the USS Blenny (SS-324)] sailed to Subic...
Lefever, Paul Shot Down Over the Mosel River
Deep penetration raids were the most dangerous, according to Paul Lefever, and he was shot down during an attack on a...
Davis, Edna Loss of a Friend
When Edna Davis got to Sweetwater, Texas [Annotator's Note: Avenger Field], she was in the first group there. It was a...
Sapp, Walter Behind Enemy Lines
Walter Sapp had been in his foxhole for eight days. He could not stand or walk. Two men lifted him out and he woke up...
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