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Davis, Edna Training in the WASPs
[Annotator's Note: Edna Davis served with the Women Airforce Service Pilots, or WASPs.] Everybody liked the AT-6 [...
Sapp, Walter The Bulge Begins
Walter Sapp's company [Annotator's Note: Company C, 1st Battalion, 310th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division]...
Mero, Robert Deploying to England and Fighting in France
From Camp Rucker, Alabama, Robert Mero went to Camp Shanks, New York for embarkation to the European Theater in late...
Kinsey, Norman Misery in Oudjda
On 9 November 1942, Norman Kinsey was offshore of Casablanca and Fédala [Annotator's Note: both in Morocco]. He awoke...
Bollich, James Early Life
James Joseph Bollich was born in August 1921 south of Eunice [Annotator's Note: Eunice, Louisiana]. Before the war, he...
Edwards, Randall Loss of the Philippines
When the Japanese General Homma [Annotator's Note: Imperial Japanese Army Lieutenant General Masaharu Homma] brought...
Thomas, Wilbur "Will" Officer Training
Wilbur Thomas enrolled in the school's ROTC [Annotator's Note: Reserve Officer Training Corps] program while he...
Brainard, William Postwar
After William White Brainard returned home and was discharged from the Air Force in San Antonio [Annotator’s Note: San...
Cravens, Rudy Entrance into Service
Rudy Cravens was born in Tennessee in February 1918. The Depression [Annotator's Note: Great Depression; a global...
Capron, Ed Combat in Europe
Edward C. Capron Jr. was drafted into the Army in November 1943 and sent to Camp Beauregard, Louisiana for training. He...
Barrick, Calvin Rescuing 22 Downed Aviators
[Annotator's Note: Calvin Barrick served in the US Navy aboard the submarine USS Tang (SS-306) and was aboard for that...
Dennis, David Segment 8
David Dennis took basic training with an 03 rifle [Annotators Note: Springfield Model 1903 .30 caliber rifle]. They had...
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