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Gackenbach, Russell Overseas to Tinian for Secret Mission
Russell Gackenbach served in the Air Force as a navigator on B-29 [Annotator's Note: Boeing B-29 Superfortress very...
Grossman, Joseph Navy Service
Joseph “Joe” Grossman enlisted in the Navy in June 1944 because he liked water. He was sent to basic training at...
Radke Azvedo, Ingrid Survival in Berlin and the Arrival of the Americans
Once it was captured by the Russian Army, Berlin was divided into four sectors [Annotator's Note: the Soviets took...
Huggins, Warren Prewar Life
Warren Huggins was born in Fort Gibson, Oklahoma in August 1926. He grew up on a farm. It was hard during the...
Landry, Coleen Her Brothers After the War
Coleen Landry's brother Reed was married right after getting home from the war in the Pacific. He and his fiance had...
Boutwell, George Deployed in Vietnam
[Annotator’s Note: Can hear ringing from interviewee’s hearing aid throughout segment.] In 1969, George N. Boutwell...
Platkin, Carl Final Missions
Carl Platkin usually went to London [Annotator’s Note: London, England] alone because he had a couple of girlfriends...
Bussel, Norman Good Luck Charm
Norman Bussel’s pilot wanted him and the engineer, [Annotator’s Note: Staff Sergeant William Peters, top turret gunner...
Mason, Raymond Looting in Germany
Raymond Mason remembers there was looting [Annotator’s Note: Mason is referring to entering Germany]. He put the rule...
Finder, Rena German Invasion of Cracow
In 1939, members of Rena Finder's extended family immigrated to Cracow when they were sent away from Berlin. It was the...
Russell, Richard The B-24 and Feelings Toward the Japanese
Richard T. Russell, Jr. and his crew [Annotator's Note: flying a Consolidated B-24 Liberator with the 43rd Bombardment...
Mermelstein, Seymour "Cy" Disbanding the Force
Seymour Mermelstein encountered civilians in some of the small towns they went through. [Annotator's Note: Mermelstein...
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