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Wesselhoeft, Adolf "Wes" Recollections
After Adolf Wesselhoeft retired from the U.S. Air Force, he worked on the Strategic Petroleum Reserves along the coast...
Schmitt, Warren Early Life
Warren R. Schmitt was born in May 1921 in the Irish Channel [Annotator's Note: a neighborhood in New Orleans, Louisiana...
Dyer, Jimmie Returning Home
Jimmie Dyer returned to the United States in July 1946. He wanted to surprise his family. His uncle was the undertaker...
Albarado, Nolan Attack on Pearl Harbor
Nolan Albarado went to basic training in San Diego, California. From there his unit [Annotator's Note: 133rd...
Verlander, David Training and Overseas Deployment
After a short orientation at Camp Beauregard [Annotator's Note: in Pineville, Louisiana], David Verlander was sent to...
Dendy, Lloyd Casualties on New Britain
Lloyd Dendy and another man were on the side of a bomb crater and got blown out of their foxhole. They both vibrated...
Dillon, Gerard Refusal to Jump and the Start of Operation Varsity
Gerard Dillon only had one situation where someone refused to jump. They were going to make a practice jump in France....
Mosher, Alfred Japanese Invasion of Guam
On 7 December 1941, Alfred Raymond was sleeping and someone came and woke him up to tell him that the Japanese had...
Edwards, Charles Mission over Morotai and More Stateside Training
Charles T. Edwards was returning to his station from Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii] when he had...
Hall, William Postwar Service
William Hall settled down after the war with the Marines but grew angry with the Marine Corps and quit. He did not like...
Votrobek, Jr., John New Guinea and Australia
After John Votrobeck graduated, he took a train through Omaha, [Annotator's Note: Omaha, Nebraska] and on 20 April [...
Pavlovich, Theodore Defending Hawaii After the Attack
On 7 December 1941, Theodore Pavlovich, along with many of his fellow riflemen, was on their barracks roof using the...
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