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Compton, Bryan Combat on Anzio
Bryan Compton states that the Germans used the medics' red cross as a target. When they were moving out, his outfit [...
Medicine Crow, Joseph Overseas Deployment
After training in Texas, Joseph Medicine Crow went to Camp McCoy near New York, New York for embarkation to Europe. He...
Atwood, Walter Basic Training to War's End
Walter Atwood worked for Boeing [Annotator's Note: The Boeing Company] for a couple of years and got deferments [...
Burk, Jeannine America and the ILGWU Convention
Jeannine Burk's mother died in February [Annotator's Note: 1950] and the trip to New York was in May. The purpose of...
Irvine, Elizabeth "Elizabeth Lautzenheiser" Internment at Santo Tomas
When the Japanese ceased the bombing [Annotator's Note: Fall of the Philippines, invasion by the Empire of Japan, 8...
Savage, Robert Pacific Tour of Duty
Robert Savage was assigned as the radio man on the USS Springfield (CL-66), which received orders to escort a heavy...
Goldstein, Sam Return to Germany as an American G.I.
Sam Goldstein [Annotator's Note: with Company B, 1st Battalion, 141st Infantry Regiment, 36th Infantry Division]...
Clift, Gilbert Prisoner of War in Germany
After becoming a POW [Annotator's Note: prisoner of war], Gilbert Clift was taken back to the German positions where he...
Schmidt, Vernon Occupation Duty and Returning Home
When World War 2 ended, Vernon Schmidt and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company E, 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th...
Bradley, John Reflections
John Bradley suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder according to what his wife tells him, due to his experiences in...
Bianconi, Anthony Sicily, Close Calls and Navy Musician
Anthony Bianconi [Annotator's Note:a musician and ammunition loader on the USS Philadelphia (CL-41)] went from North...
Wilson, James Honoring Friends
James Wilson's good friend John Oliveri [Annotator's Note: US Marine Corps Sergeant John James Oliveri] was intelligent...
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