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Reale, Albert Wash-Out and Reassignment
Albert Reale's Navy flight training ended after he had flown 50 hours solo, then washed out. He could have been a...
Riddle, Robert Boot Camp and Corpsman Training
Robert Riddle went to San Pedro, California for boot camp. He was excited to see the ocean for the first time, and...
Bronfin, Fred Adjusting to Navy Life, Radar, Training and Friendships
Fred Bronfin adjusted easily to military life but felt he was losing time in his career. To differentiate between...
Varuso, Anthony Becoming a PT-Boat Sailor
Anthony Varuso left New Orleans for his basic training at Naval Station Great Lakes [Annotator’s Note: near North...
Jones, Johnnie Demanding Equal Treatment at the Draft Board
Johnnie A. Jones, Senior went to Southern University Demonstration High School [Annotator's Note: Southern University...
Colson, Earl Prewar Life to France
Earl Colson was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania in November 1924. He had two brothers. His dad was a caretaker at the...
Haydu, Bernice Near Death Experience and the Disbanding of the WASPs
Bernice Haydu had only one flying occasion when she feared for her life and that was after the war. She and her husband...
Landry, Coleen Air Raid Drills, Her Brother Being Wounded and the End of the War
Coleen Landry's father was an air raid warden and drills would be held weekly. His job included making sure there were...
Boutwell, George War’s End and Occupation in Japan
[Annotator’s Note: Can hear ringing from interviewee’s hearing aid throughout segment.] George N. Boutwell [Annotator’s...
Kerner, John The Wars End
John Kerner crossed the Elbe River where his unit [Annotator's Note: 110th Medical Battalion, 35th Infantry Division]...
Jarvis, Robert Experience on Luzon
After resting in Australia, Robert Jarvis’ regiment [Annotator’s Note: 534th Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment, 4th...
Platkin, Carl Entrance into Service
Carl Platkin was in military school on Pearl Harbor day [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii...
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