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Engel, Robert Returning Home and Postwar Life
The day the war ended, Robert Engel was in a town in Germany. The manure and urine from cows were kept in the town for...
Irvine, Elizabeth "Elizabeth Lautzenheiser" Early Life in the Philippines
Elizabeth Lautzenheiser Irvine was born in July 1927 in Baguio, Philippines [Annotator's Note: Baguio, Luzon,...
Lombardo, Samuel Postwar
Samuel Lombardo did not think much of the German people. He felt they were negligent in allowing Hitler's [Annotator's...
Goldstein, Sam German Jew to Shoemaker in America
Sam Goldstein was born the second youngest of nine children in January 1920 in Obbach, Germany. His father served in...
Howland, Gilbert Japanese Elephant Supply Train
[Annotator's Note: There is audio feedback noise throughout this clip.] When the fighting in Walawbum [Annotator's Note...
Clift, Gilbert Prewar to Training in the Army
Gilbert Clift was born in October 1924, the youngest of three brothers, in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. As an infant, Clift'...
Schmidt, Vernon Capturing Mainz
Vernon Schmidt [Annotator's Note: with Company E, 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division,] advanced towards...
Bradley, John Being an Aide and Going to Korea
John Bradley served in the Army infantry and attended jump and Ranger school. He volunteered to join the 101st Airborne...
Olson, Bud Grave Registration Detail and Reflections
Bud Olson [Annotator's Note: with Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 401st Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne...
Bianconi, Anthony Early Life and Navy Entry
Anthony Bianconi was born in September 1920 in Youngstown, Ohio. When he was quite young, his family moved to Mount...
Wilson, James Chesty Puller and Late Promotion
James Wilson left Peleliu [Annotator's Note: after the Battle of Peleliu, September to November 1944, Peleliu, Palau]...
LaBure, John Andrew Higgins and President Roosevelt
John LeBure had limited interaction with Andrew Higgins because the boss was busy with many other things. Additionally...
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