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Wesselhoeft, Adolf "Wes" Post War Germany, Return to America and Enlistment
Adolf Wesselhoeft feels fortunate that the war ended before he had to join the Hitler youth. His home fell within the...
Goldstein, Elizabeth Post War, Religious Faith and Coping
Elizabeth Goldstein struggled with her faith. She commented that she questions God and his reasoning for the horrible...
Dyer, Jimmie Okinawa to Guam
Jimmie Dyer and the 6th Marine Division was sent to replace the Army's 27th Infantry Division in the south of Okinawa....
Ebersole, William Final Thoughts
William Ebersole feels that The National WWII Museum, New Orleans, Louisiana is good tribute to the war and the people...
Treen, John Daily Duties and Reflections
While serving as an officer aboard the USS Doyle C. Barnes (DE-353), John Treen would correspond with his family and...
Dendy, Lloyd Training in Hawaii and Deployment to Australia
Lloyd Dendy went from San Diego [Annotator's Note: San Diego, California] to Oahu, Hawaii to the old Camp Catlin which...
Dillon, Gerard Losing a Man and Wounded
Gerard Dillon and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company G, 2nd Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd...
Edwards, Charles Family and Early Life
Charles T. Edwards was born in January 1919 in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. He recalled growing up playing a lot of...
Hall, William Midway Island
William Hall reached Sand Island in the Midway Atoll with his personal equipment. Midway was a stopping point for Pan-...
Lefever, Paul Being an Aerial Gunner
The first mission Paul Lefever participated in was the second Schweinfurt mission [Annotator's Note: on 14 October 1943...
Whitman, Philip Ploesti and Lunch Aboard the USS Augusta (CA-31)
Philip Whitman's last seven missions were over Vienna, Austria. He made five trips over Ploesti [Annotator's Note:...
Amundson, Adolph "A.W. Amundson" Service Around the Pacific
Adolph William Amundson was sent to Jacksonville, Florida to train in multi-engine planes. He flew PBY’s [Annotator's...
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