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Young, James Fighting on Guadalcanal
After the Battle of the Tenaru [Annotator's Note: also called the Battle of the Ilu River, 21 August 1942, Guadalcanal...
Zuras, Nicholas Reflections
Nicholas J. Zuras thinks it important that students today know something about what happened during World War 2....
Andrus, Ernest Early Life and Entrance Into Service
Ernest "Ernie" Andrus was born in 1923 near Severance, Kansas, the younger of two sons in a farming family. During the...
Compton, Bryan Prewar Life to Overseas Deployment
Bryan Compton was born in Watonga, Oklahoma in 1919. He has lived around Watonga all his life and got to see the world...
Brandes, Rita Family Relationships
Rita Brandes had uncles who survived the war. Rather than being angry at her uncles for surviving, she was mad at her...
Day, Morris "Gene" War's End
Morris Eugene Day ended up in the Ruhr Pocket [Annotator's Note: a massive Allied encirclement of German forces in the...
Burk, Jeannine A Young Jew in Belgium
Jeannine Burk [Annotator's Note: nee Jeannine Rafalowicz] was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1939. Her parents had two...
Furrow, Robert War's End
Robert Gaylord Furrow remembers when he heard about the death of Roosevelt [Annotator's Note: Franklin Delano Roosevelt...
Engel, Robert Fighting in France and Germany
Robert Engel's ship had to dodge German u-boats [Annotator's Note: German submarine] by zig-zagging [Annotator's Note:...
Lombardo, Samuel Military Decorations
Samuel Lombardo received the Silver Star for advancing on a hill under enemy fire. His men hit the ground when the...
Howland, Gilbert Fighting at Walawbum
[Annotator's Note: There is audio feedback noise throughout this clip.] The Ledo Road [Annotator's Note: overland...
Schmidt, Vernon Fierce Combat in Germany
On Vernon Schmidt's tenth day in combat [Annotator's Note: with Company E, 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry...
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