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Ciotta, Angelo Discharge and Thoughts on the Atomic Bomb
Angelo Ciotta was shot in the leg and evacuated to an Army hospital in Guam. He spent ten days there and then went to...
Kerner, John Marlene Dietrich And Frost Bite Victims
John Kerner was in Nancy, France and there was a lot of fighting going on. Not far from the front line, there was a USO...
Jarvis, Robert Army Training
After being inducted and receiving his uniforms at Camp Grant, Illinois, Robert Jarvis was interviewed by Army officers...
Comeaux, James Overseas on the USS Auburn
To avoid being drafted into the Army, James D. Comeaux volunteered for Naval service in June 1944, boarded a train, and...
Bussel, Norman Building B-25s
Norman Bussel worked building B-25 bombers [Annotator’s Note: North American B-25 Mitchell] at the Fisher Body plant [...
Mermelstein, Seymour "Cy" Buchenwald
Seymour Mermelstein was in Kassel, Germany on 12 April 1945 when President Roosevelt [Annotator's Note: Franklin Delano...
Woodworth, Newell Flying Tactical Missions in Europe
[Annotator’s Note: There is a buzzing sound throughout this clip.] Newell Bertram Woodworth arrived in England around...
Wesselhoeft, Adolf "Wes" Wartime and Postwar Life in Hamburg
At sea on the Gripsholm, Adolf Wesselhoeft had his first impression that the world was at war. When he arrived in...
Yancey, Spencer Reflections
Spencer Yancey was older and he had a wife. He enjoyed the service magazines. He supported them over the years. He...
Dyer, Jimmie Guadalcanal to Okinawa
Jimmie Dyer went from Guadalcanal to Okinawa. All of their equipment was on the deck of the ship and it rained the...
Ebersole, William War's End, Going Home and Postwar Life
William Ebersole was on Iwo Jima when the first atomic bomb was dropped on Japan [Annotator's Note: the first atomic...
Treen, John Joining the Navy and Interacting with Local Populations
John Treen met a friend at College Inn [Annotator's Note: Ye Olde College Inn Restaurant, New Orleans, Louisiana] one...
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