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Marsh, Alexander Imprisonment at Stalag IX-A
The American troops were taken prisoner, and Alexander Marsh said he marched for three days into the interior of...
Barber, Ernest War's End & Reflections
After the war, Ernest Barber went back to school using the G.I. Bill [Annotator's Note: the G.I. Bill, or Servicemen's...
Gallaspy, Garland "Mac" Southern Boy to Army Man
Garland Miller Gallaspy was born in Ottawa, Oklahoma in November 1922. His family moved all over the Southeast while he...
Haydu, Bernice Prewar Background
Bernice Haydu was born in December 1920 in Bradley Beach, New Jersey. When she was still a toddler, the family moved to...
Ciotta, Angelo Shot on Iwo
They [Annotator's Note: Angelo Ciotta and the rest of Company G, 2nd Battalion, 28th Marine Regiment, 5th Marine...
Trauner, Walter Postwar Life
Walter Trauner’s father was a master baker. He made cakes with real cream, and pastries and donuts. Trauner worked in...
Kerner, John Moving Across France to Belgium
John Kerner was with Patton [Annotator's Note: US Army Lieutenant General George S. Patton, Jr.] as he crossed France....
Jarvis, Robert Drafted into the Army
Robert Jarvis was born in Muskegon, Michigan in September 1923. He had one younger brother and one younger sister. His...
Comeaux, James Growing up in Rural Louisiana
James D. Comeaux was born in August 1926 in Crowley, Louisiana and grew up in nearby Egan, Louisiana. He did a lot of...
Bussel, Norman Early Life
Norman Bussel was born 2 October 1923 in Memphis, Tennessee. His father was in the grocery business. He attended the...
Mermelstein, Seymour "Cy" A Long Path to Germany
Seymour Mermelstein attended basic training in Miami Beach, Florida. He was then sent to automotive school. He went to...
Woodworth, Newell Prewar Life and Air Force Training
[Annotator's Note: There is a buzzing sound throughout this clip.] Newell Bertram Woodworth was born in June 1923 in...
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