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Roxandich, George Liberation and Returning Home
George H. Roxandich [Annotator's Note: a German prisoner of war] was eventually liberated. The guards were gone, and...
Vangrov, Sherman Last Trip and Postwar
Sherman Vangrov served on the SS William D. Pender as a Merchant Marine during the last months of World War 2. His ship...
Ciotta, Angelo Marines Then and Now
The ship Angelo Ciotta was on headed to Iwo Jima, Japan, had so many people on board it was bad for him. He got the top...
Trauner, Walter Returning Home
Walter Trauner remembers the people were nice. They were taken over by the Nazis. He had cousins who were in the German...
Kerner, John Delivering a Baby During Battle
John Kerner was around the city of Mortain, France in heavy battle [Annotator's Note: Operation Lüttich, German...
Barber, Clyde Vietnam
Clyde Barber later completed two tours of duty in Vietnam [Annotator's Note: Vietnam War, or Second Indochina War, 1...
Goldstein, Elizabeth Liberation
In April 1945, Elizabeth Goldstein heard noises and saw airplanes circling in the sky. She knew that the end was near....
Yancey, Spencer Service Overview
Spencer Yancey was born in Hunnewell, Missouri in 1910. He is 106 years old. He was born and raised on a farm. He...
Dyer, Jimmie Prewar Life
Jimmie F. Dyer was born and raised on a farm in Castro County, Texas in April 1926. His dad was a farmer and there were...
Ebersole, William Enlisting in the Army Air Forces
William Ebersole was born in September 1924 in Arcadia, Florida. He graduated from high school there in June 1942 then...
Treen, John Prewar Life, School and Military Training
John Treen was born in 1926 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana where he resided until his family moved to New Orleans when he...
Dillon, Gerard First Enemy Contact
[Annotator's Note: Gerard Dillon was a platoon commander in Company G, 2nd Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment...
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