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Rhoads, Benjamin "Dusty" Deployment
Benjamin "Dusty" Rhoads went into the service in early 1942. He did boot camp and communications school near Saint...
Gubish, Charles Iwo Jima
Charles Gubish was in the 3rd Marine Division [Annotator's Note: 9th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division] when he...
McCaslin, Lorraine "Lorraine Taix" Backstory of a Radioman
Lorainne (nee Taix) McCaslin was born [Annotator's Note: in New Orleans, Louisiana] to French immigrant parents who...
Cardenas, Louis Bailing Out and Interrogations
Louis Cardenas had to bail out of the plane. [Annotator’s Note: Cardenas is referring to his plane getting shot down in...
Ventura, Nicholas Po Valley and War’s End
Nicholas Ventura Sr. [Annotator’s Note: with the 351st Infantry Regiment, 88th Infantry Division] crossed the Arno...
Engels, Emile Battle Toll on the Village
After being liberated in Warnach, Belgium for the second time, Emile Engles' father went to look at their family home....
Campbell, John Journalist Lies
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks John Campbell about the journalists Walter Winchell and Westbrook Pegler]. They...
Earles, John LCVP Instructor on Guam
In May 1945, John Earles deployed to a tent city in Hawaii, and from there he was sent to Guam. At the time, the island...
Angst, Lawrence Many Promotions
Lawrence Angst was promoted from PFC [Annotator's Note: Private First Class] through to Sergeant. Each level bringing a...
Flannigan, James Military Decorations
By the time James Flannigan got home in June 1945, his gear had already been shipped to Fort Lewis, Washington. He was...
Epstein, Ben The Moral of the Story
Ben Epstein reiterated that his mother's influence, and her mantra "Don't ever give up," saved his life the night the...
Pritchett, James Operation Varsity and Aftermath
The drop zone for Operation Varsity was near Wessel, Germany, and James Pritchett described how General Montgomery's [...
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