Russian and American troops meet in Leipzig, Germany on 3 July 1945

Russian and American troops meet. Official caption: "ETO HQ 45 39011 3 July. Credit...US Army Signal Corps. Photog...2nd Lt. Jacob Harris. (163). Under new territorial boundaries agreed upon by the allies, the Russian Army moves in to take over the Leipzig territory now occupied by American troops. Signal Corps cameraman, Sgt. Harold [illegible] Hershey, Washington, D.C. (left), and his assistance, Pfc. George J. Cipra of Chicago, Ill., exchange greeting with Soviet tankmen awaiting repairs enroute westward to occupy a zone vacated by American troops. 7A, 163rd Sig. Photo Co., Leipzig, Germany." Passed for publication without censorship restrictions by SHAEF Field Press Censor on 9 July 1945.