The 1st WAC to hold the rank of Master Sgt. at Fort Benning, Georgia on 14 July 1944

1486. '14 July 44. Sharetts. The 1st WAC to hold the rank of Master Sgt. at Ft. Benning, Ga., Sue J. Roller is shown seated at her desk in the grade section of the Infantry School, Ft. Benning, Ga. Sgt. Roller is in charge of the only all WAC section on the post. The results of all grade tests of training taken by any man while on the post are sent to this office for recording. Sgt. Roller is from North Little Rock, Ark. and enlisted in the Army on Dec. 23, 1942. 168-L-44-1826.' Army Signal Corps photograph Photographer: Sharetts. 14 July 1944