Group portrait of 106th Signal Company officers standing in from of war map.

Group portrait of 106th Signal Company officers standing in from of war map, probably in California. "27 Sept. 44 Lt. Gold. Seated L to R: 1st Lt Corbett, 1st Lt. R. H. Caughman (Commanding Officer, 106th Signal Co), Lt Col E. B. Williams (Divisional Signal Officer), Capt Karter (Asst Divisional Signal Officer), 1st Lt. Ford. Standing L to R: C.W.O. Walker, 2nd Lt Cardlton, 2nd Lt Kessler, 2nd Lt Mack, 1st Lt Thompson, C.W.O. Bedford and WOJG Messler. 168-5-44-7472." Army Signal Corps photograph. Photographer: Lt. Gold. 27 September 1944