Americans on U.S. Navy vessel near Anzio, Italy in 1943

Americans on U.S. Navy vessel. 'Andy Caola, Pat Luby, and myself before the Banvard was hit.' 'For the invasion of Anzio the 488th was loaded onto four liberty ships. The 188th Port Company was loaded onto the USS John Banvard and this ship with the other four plus the convoy left for what became known as The Anzio Beachhead. The Convoy was made up of Landing Craft Infantry (LCI) and Landing Craft Tanks (LCT). Most of the photos I had for the Anzio experience were lost when my trunk was lost. That trunk contained all the usual field jackets, helmet, German helmet, Lugar, photos, old letters, and many other things. About the only thing that was not in that trunk was one photo album.' Italy. [1943]