US soldier shows off injuries received after escaping a POW camp, Italy, 1943
Photograph. US soldier shows off injuries received after escaping a POW camp. Official caption on front: "MM-5-102325.." Official caption on reverse: "Sig. Corps Photo --11-19-43 / Airman's escape from Germans: Bombardier Squadron Pilot officer Lt. Eldon H. Dahl of Bozeman, Montana, recuperating after an escape from Nazi hands. Lt. Dahl and crew were shot down when their craft was attacked by 50 German fighter-planes during a bombing mission over enemy territory. All were interned in an Italian prison camp. With declaration of Armistice by Italy the men were released. Lt. Dahl was recaptured by German soldiers, but miraculously got away from them. Cuts and bruises on his nose and arms received during his escape." Italy. 19 November 1943