Two GIs sit in the barracks, Hawaii, May 1946

Photograph. Two GIs sit on their cots in the barracks. Open lockers and hung laundry visible behind them. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Chug--- This is my favorite pastime-- gazing at your picture on my locker door. The other is a little calendar that I mark off daily. That's Lou E. shining shoes." 22 May 1946
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Items from the service of Mr. Rogers Lional Hogan, who was born in Gretna, Louisiana, on July 18, 1917. Hogan worked for the Times-Picayune newspaper in New Orleans before he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in February of 1941. Hogan served in the Pacific Theatre. He was in Saipan and Guam in 1944 and spent the rest of the war in Hawaii at the Fleet Marine Force, Pacific (FMFPAC) base through the summer of 1946. The collection includes 473 photographs depicting Hogan's time in the Pacific Theatre.