Consolidated B-32 Dominator heavy bombers, United States
Photograph. Two Consolidated B-32 Dominator heavy bombers flying in formation as seen from below. Official Caption: "First formation flight of new U.S. Superbombers. This is the first formation flight pictures of the B-32, the U.S. superbomber, now being rolled off the assembly lines at Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation plants in the U.S. The long- range, four-engine craft, which will coordinate its attacks with those of B-29 Superfortresses in the bombing of Japanese military and industrial targets, is 83 feet long and its low-drag wing has a span of 135 feet. Able to travel at more than 300 miles an hour, the new bomber has fire power comparable to that of a B-29. A single B-32 does the work of two and one half to three B-24 Liberators. The new sky giant's gross weight of 100,000 pounds with its eight-man crew and load is nearly double that of the Liberator. Photo through U.S.I.S. Rome 43173-FF. Approved by appropriate U.S. authority. (A and C Lists only). United States. No date