Eleanor Roosevelt speaking at christening of the carrier USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, New York City, April 1945

Photograph. Eleanor Roosevelt, wearing a veil, speaking into microphones at podium at christening of the carrier USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CV-42). Official Caption: "Rome, 6/1/45--Mrs. Roosevelt speaks at FDR Carrier christening--Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, wife of the late U.S. President, addresses the crowd attending a ceremony on April 29, 1945, in which a new U.S. aircraft carrier was named after her husband who died on April 12. She said: 'I know that my husband would have felt very keenly and appreciated the thought of having this super-carrier given his name. . . . I pray God to bless this ship and its personnel and keep them safe, and bring them home victorious.' The 45,000-ton ship, second in its class, was built in a shipyard in New York City in 17 months. It will carry into combat more than 80 twin-engined planes, of types so new that they have not yet been in action. The ship, one of the best offensively and defensively equipped U.S. carriers, also will carry a large number of anti-aircraft guns.--FN photo--Serviced by Rome OWI (A List out). Approved by appropriate military authority. 6489." New York, New York. 29 April 1945