Portrait of Lewis W. Douglas, adviser to U.S. Major General Lucius D. Clay, 1945

Photograph, portrait photograph. Lewis W. Douglas, adviser to U.S. Major General Lucius D. Clay. Official Caption: "Rome, 6/7/45--Douglas to Assist General Clay--Lewis W. Douglas, former Congressman from the western U.S. state of Arizona and Director of the U.S. budget in 1933 and 1934, has been appointed adviser to U.S. Maj. Gen. Lucius D. Clay, Deputy Military Governor for the U.S. zone of occupation in Germany. Mr. Douglas, who is on leave as President of the Mutual Life insurance company of New York, is President of the Academy of Political Science, which has its headquarters at Columbia University in New York City, and is Director of the Institute of Advance Study of the Council of Foreign Relations, both private U.S. organizations. He served as Deputy Administrator of the U.S. War Shipping Administration from February, 1942, until April,1944.--PWW photo--Serviced by Rome OWI (A list out). Approved by appropriate military authority. 6626."Location unknown. 7 June 1945