Tractors for civilian use moving off assembly line at Ford Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan, August 1945
Photograph. Workers putting the final touches on tractors moving off assembly line. Official Caption: "Rome 8/29/45---Tractors for civilian use move off assembly line in U.S. Tractors for civilian use move off the assembly line at the Highland Park Plant of the Ford Motor Company in Detroit, in the Midwestern U.S. state of Michigan, on Aug. 17, 1945, three days after President Truman announced Japan's unconditional surrender. Small tanks and bomber parts were made at the plant during the war. On Aug. 18 President Truman ordered full mobilization of all government resources for promotion of swift and orderly reconversion of rational economy from war to peacetime footing. Photo serviced through U. S. I. S. Rome 43536-PPA. A.P. Photo approved by appropriate military authority (D List out).Highland Park Plant of Ford Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan. 17 August 1945