American Generals Shepherd and Buckner watching front line action, Okinawa, Japan, 1945

Photograph. Major General Lemuel C. Shepherd and Lieutenant General Simon Bolivar Buckner watching front line action from a ridge on Okinawa; other Marines standing nearby. Official Caption: "Rome. 6/29/45--American generals on Okinawa front--U.S. Marine Major General Lemuel C. Shepherd (holding walking stick), Commander of the Sixth Marine Division, and U.S. Lieutenant General Simon Bolivar Buckner (foreground, with camera), watch front line action from an Okinawa ridge. This is one of the last photographs taken of General Buckner who was killed by a Japanese shell on June 18 while observing men of his U.S. Tenth Army advance. Three days later his men crushed the last organized enemy resistance on the Pacific island only 375 miles (600 km) from Kyushu, Japanese home island.--Marine Corps photo approved by appropriate military authority--Serviced by Rome OWI (List A out) 6919." Okinawa, Japan. 29 June 1945