Fireworks illuminate the Campanile of San Marco and the Doge's Palace, Venice, 19 July 1945
Photograph. Fireworks illuminate the Campanile of San Marco and the Doge's Palace in Venice during the Festa del Redentore (Feast of the Redeemer). Official Caption: "Rome, 7/19/45--Venice celebrates--For the first time since before the war, Venetians celebrated their Festa del Redentore the night of July 14. A brilliant display of fireworks illumines the Grand Canal and the Doges Palace and the Campanile in the background. The city has celebrated the third Saturday night in July from the time of its liberation from plague in the late 16th century until the beginning of this war.--OWI staff photo approved by appropriate military authority--Serviced by Rome OWI (full). 7144."Venice, Italy. 19 July 1945