U.S. Marine using flame thrower on Okinawa Island, Japan, 1945

Photograph. U.S. Marine using flame thrower on a Japanese sniper's nest on side of cliff. Official Caption: "Rome. 6/20/45--Routing Japanese on Okinawa--A U.S. Marine uses his flame thrower on a Japanese sniper's nest on Okinawa. Tombs, caves, and pillboxes formed part of the defenses used by the enemy to slow the American drive on the island and which made every yard gained by U.S. forces costly in lives and time, but by June 19 the bitter enemy resistance was breaking up.--Marine Corps Photo through OWI--Approved by appropriate military authority--Serviced by Rome. OWI (A List Out) 6806."Okinawa Island, Japan. 20 June 1945